OUTDOOR SEAFOOD HIGHLIGHTS or 海(Hǎi) 鲜(Xiān) 大 (Dà) 排(Pái)档 (Dàng)


MAIN INGREDIENTS: Pre-cooked and seasoned seafood; this dish is not based on any particular seafood, calling only for a specific seasoning and prep method for the seafood of choice.

HISTORY: 大(Dà)排(Pái)档(Dàng) originated in Hong Kong in the mid-nineteenth century, where street hawkers set up food stalls to hawk cheap eats. 大(Dà)排(Pái)档(Dàng) literally means “ put food outside in a largescale.” When street market vendors serve this eatery style, they’ll often set up tables and chairs on the sidewalk, a common setup for other dishes as well, including dim sum and noodles. It was only later that seafood became a popular choice for late summer nights, often over beers with friends.


SICHUAN COLD NOODLES or 四(Sì)川(Chuān)凉(Liáng)面(Miàn) (V)


WONTONS or 馄(Hún)饨(Tún)